Whether you are posting a new job or filling a recently vacated position, Human Resources is happy to lend a helpful hand. All positions start with a complete outline of the duties, functions and requirements of the job – also known as a position description. To assist you in your search efforts, please see the Conducting a Search section.
You should plan your recruitment, including a timeline, search team/committee, and tools, to ensure that candidates are evaluated consistently and fairly.
Please connect with the recruitment staff for additional information on how to design an inclusive recruitment process that ensures a diverse and qualified application pool.
Lastly, for more information on areas of inquiry to avoid during an interview, please review this helpful information from the Equal Opportunity and Accessibility.
As always, your Recruitment Staff are available to assist with your search needs. We are happy to serve as search committee members, a resource when you need assistance or guide when you are unsure. Please feel free to reach out at any point for assistance.