First, all us welcome you to the East Tennessee region and the University of Tennessee!
While you are acclimating to the area and temperamental weather there are a handful of housekeeping items you should remember. As a new resident of Tennessee, we think you may want to visit the sites below as you transition yourself into a Tennessean and a Vol.
- Transfer your out-of-state driver’s license
- Register your vehicle(s) with the state
- Register to vote and/or as an organ donor
If you are unfamiliar with Knoxville area, we recommend checking out the relocation sections of the Knoxville Chamber and Visit Knoxville websites. Links can be found below:
- Knoxville Chamber – Review Choose Knoxville online magazine, experience Knoxville via virtual map, or request a relocation packet via mail.
- Visit Knoxville – Download the Knoxville Digital Visitor’s Guide for information on restaurants, shopping, festivals and events, and much more!
Please take a moment to review our Work and Life section to find useful information on various resources ranging from wellness, family and volunteer opportunities.
Welcome and we are excited to have you here in Knoxville!