Whether you’re a new manager or have been a supervisor or department head for years, the compensation team offers many services to support you. We can assist you in exploring a reorganization, creating a new position for posting to our jobseeker website, or reviewing an existing position that has evolved over the years. We also work with departmental HR contacts to process many different types of compensation and position transactions. Please call us at 865-974-6642 or email hrcompensation@utk.edu to see how we might partner with you!
- Need help with writing a Position Description?
- Not sure where to start?
- Schedule a 30-minute session to discuss your position with HR Compensation.
Click below to get started: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/Compensation1@live.utk.edu/bookings/
Compensation Consultation
Our team can provide consultation on hiring ranges prior to the start of your recruitment or starting salaries for your selected candidate. We also review and provide recommendations for supplemental/ non-base pay adjustments and temporary assignments. Reach out to us to begin exploring options to meet your department’s compensation needs.
Create, Change, Reclassify a Position, or Request an In-range Adjustment
- Fill out a Classification Request form and a Position Description (PD) form describing the position.
- Submit the Classification Request, Position Description, and an Organizational Chart through your department’s HR contact to hrcompensation@utk.edu.
- Compensation reviews the PD and provides a classification recommendation.
- IRIS workflow is started (ZPPOSITION000) to change or create the position.
- A requisition may be started to begin the recruitment process during this same workflow.
- If a position is re-classified and results in a pay change an IRIS workflow (ZXFERCHGLOA) must also be submitted after the position change is finalized.
Student or faculty position
To create or change a temporary student or faculty position start the workflow in IRIS using the ZPPOSITION000 form, a PD is not required.
Looking for tips and how-tos on IRIS electronic and paper forms? Check out the IRIS website under the HR/Payroll function.
Compensation Team Contacts
For additional information about compensation Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and overtime eligibility, visit the Employee Compensation page.